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There was a lot to unpack in the deluge of news this week about GameStop, the stock market, Reddit groups, trading apps and hedge funds. If it all seemed like too much, we can't blame you for tuning out.

While we don't know just how the so-called Reddit rebellion will change the future of investing, it's safe to say Wall Street will never be the same.

Why We Shouldn't Bet Against GameStop - Body Art Revenue Online Gamestop Hours

At the heart of the GameStop saga is a struggle between two drastically different groups of investors: A band of amateur day traders versus a bunch of Wall Street pros known as short-sellers.

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The Davids, in this case, are the mostly young day traders who congregate on the Reddit page WallStreetBets — aka the Reddit army, or the Reddit mob, depending on your point of view. "They have seen the rich get extremely rich by taking advantage of cheap money, and they want to get their piece as well, " said Richard Fisher , the former president of the Dallas Federal Reserve.

Their mission has two main goals: Drive up stock prices to score profits for themselves, and at the same time, force the establishment investors to abandon bearish bets against struggling companies such as GameStop (GME ), AMC (AMC ), Macy's (M ) and several others.

The Goliaths are mostly hedge funds who are shorting those stocks — in other words, big-shot investors placing bets that those shares will crash. They are also the Wall Street elite upon whom millions of investors rely to make smart decisions to boost their portfolios. But working in an industry associated with the house-of-cards system that created the 2008 financial crisis, these giants are not exactly beloved. Posts on the WallStreetBets subreddit openly relish watching short-sellers lose billions of dollars.

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The WallStreetBets community, which now boasts some 5 million followers, has been around since 2012. Describing itself as if "4chan found a Bloomberg terminal, " the forum's giddy nihilism, inscrutable language and acerbic memes have fueled a war on a perceived corrupted mainstream.

The group noticed that GameStop, the struggling brick-and-mortar video game retailer, was heavily shorted by hedge funds. (The consensus on Wall Street seemed to be that GameStop would soon go the way of Blockbuster.)

Reddit investors took a different view from the short-sellers, however, and began buying up shares of the company that they believed were undervalued.

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Although it had been building for a while, the rally really took off on Monday, January 11, when GameStop announced three new directors would join its board, including Chewy co-founder Ryan Cohen. Investors liked that Cohen brought digital experience to the table, something GameStop desperately needs, as video games go digital and malls continue their unrelenting slump into irrelevance.

GameStop's stock rose a little less than 13% that day. But this wasn't a normal, momentary stock surge. Two days later, it rose 57%. Then 27%...and so on. The Reddit crowd also drove huge jumps in AMC, BlackBerry, Macy's and other stocks that were heavily shorted.

The surge ultimately had little or nothing to do with GameStop's strength as a business. As investors following the Reddit group bought a ton of GameStop options, short-sellers were forced to buy shares to cover their losing bids — thus boosting the share price even further. This is what's known as a short squeeze.

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It quickly became "a populist uprising armed with no-fee brokerage accounts instead of pitchforks, " as CNN's Christine Romans put it. And the only ones crying foul were the "sophisticated" Wall Street players.

Thursday morning, citing extreme volatility, the free trading app favored by millions of amateur investors suspended trading of the red-hot Reddit darlings. That left the WSB crowd with just two options: hold or sell. Meanwhile institutional investors, who don't need Robinhood to execute trades, were able to carry on.

GameStop: What To Expect From The New NFT Pivot (GME) - Body Art Revenue Online Gamestop Hours

GameStop shares lost more than 44% of their value on Thursday after surging nearly 40% at one point earlier in the day.

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The backlash was swift. Those who'd been minting money on their GameStop stock positions were, to put it mildly, furious. The consensus on social media seemed to be that Robinhood, which built its brand on "democratizing" investing, appeared to be caving to pressure from powerful institutions on Wall Street.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called the decision "unacceptable." One Reddit user swiftly filed a class-action lawsuit, claiming Robinhood rigged the market against its customers.

Robinhood relented Thursday night, saying it would resume "limited" buys on the stocks the next day. It also tapped $1 billion in cash from its private investors, signaling it was short on cash.

Why We Shouldn't Bet Against Gamestop

There's an argument to be made that GameStop was undervalued, but hardly anyone believes that GameStop, BlackBerry, Macy's, AMC or any of the other companies that the Reddit crowd is promoting have the fundamentals to support such sky-high prices. At some point, reality will set in.

But that's the problem with bubbles — get out too early, and you lose at a chance to cash out on top. So GameStop keeps surging ... until it doesn't.

Shopping At GameStop Is Miserable - Body Art Revenue Online Gamestop Hours

"Someone is going to get hurt, " said Fisher, the former Dallas Fed president. "As happens with crowd behavior, you end up having people come in at the end at a very high price and getting burned."

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The Securities and Exchange Commission, the agency that regulates Wall Street, said it will "closely review" actions by trading platforms to restrict transactions.The venerable video game retailer is currently cratering, with overall sales for the holiday quarter down 25% year over year. The company had announced it would be closing as many as 200 stores last year after a

Of disastrous quarters, and that was before its dismal holiday performance was announced. The news has been bad for a while, and it’s only getting worse.

GameStop’s executives believe that things will turn around when Sony and Microsoft release new consoles, but I’m not particularly optimistic about the company’s chances. My biggest problem with GameStop doesn’t have anything to do with pricing or the schedule of hardware or software. It’s that shopping inside a GameStop itself is a miserable experience.

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GameStop offers a series of services that few other retailers can match, much less beat. You can trade in your games for other games or get cash right then, without waiting to be paid out by online services like Amazon or eBay.

You can pay for your subscription services with cash by buying prepaid cards if you don’t have a credit or debit card or don’t want to use it online. GameStop’s stores are physical places you can visit to do your business instantly and directly, and that’s a considerable strength, even as so much of the video game industry moves online.

Gamestop - Body Art Revenue Online Gamestop Hours

The problem is that walking into a GameStop feels like stepping into a flea market managed by employees who have already given up. The games are often heavily stickered, and many are missing the official cover on the case. Random assortments of toys and overpriced collectibles spill out over displays, with little rhyme or reason about where things are.

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I want to know if they have a game I want to buy, and I’d like a yes or no answer to see if my time is being wasted.

You can spend a lot of money for replica items from your favorite game, anime, or movie universes, as long as you don’t mind it being a little beaten up by the time it gets to you. That’s also assuming the person behind the counter is willing to get the item you’re looking at down from the top shelves that ring the store, and anything up there is likely to be covered in dust. So many aspects of the shopping experience feel cheap, and so much of the stock feels neglected.

It makes me sad every time I have to go in one to pick up something I need that day, and it’s so uncomfortable, with the stock often being in such bad shape, that I’ll try to go to a Target or Walmart if possible. Heck, I get sad even typing that sentence; I worked at Electronics Boutique, and later EB Games, and finally GameStop when the companies merged, and I don’t remember it being that bad back then. Which isn’t to say it was ever good, just that everyone involved in running the stores, based on my anecdotal experiences shopping in them, seems to have given up.

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Do you work in a GameStop store? is running a story on how things have changed in stores over the past year. We'd love to speak to you. Your identity will be protected. Email me please.— Colin Campbell (@ColinCampbellx) January 14, 2020

The rest of my complaints are nothing new, but continue to rankle. The most likely answer to the question about whether they have a game in stock is another question: Did you pre-order? Sometimes they have a copy for walk-ins even if you didn’t pre-order, other times they don’t, and I’ll be told that if I want to guarantee a copy of the game I should have given them money to hold it. In which case I walk across the street to any other

GameStop Lost $215 Million In Fiscal Year; Online Sales Gain - Body Art Revenue Online Gamestop Hours


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